It all started when…
Drew and Christi Becker moved to Aberdeen in 2003. Shortly after their move, the Lord spoke to Drew about being the “Hub inside the Hub” and starting a church in Aberdeen and surrounding communities.
In January 2006, 13 people gathered together for the first time and Freedom Church was born. Almost ten months later on October 1st, the first official Sunday of Freedom Church took place at Holgate Middle School with 90 people in attendance. Through the next ten years, Freedom Church moved from the school, to a hotel, and then to the Ward Ballroom where we held services until 2016.
In the fall of 2012, Freedom Church opened a campus in Webster, SD in a school gym. God brought Clark and Jennifer Audiss to Webster three years later, becoming our Campus Pastors.
With both churches growing and ministry needs expanding, permanent facilities became a necessity. The long-awaited step forward came in March of 2016 for the Aberdeen Campus. We purchased a building in Aberdeen’s Industrial Park and had our first service on Easter Sunday in our new home. Webster campus found its home just one year later.
It is our desire to continue to plant multiple churches in our region. Will you be a part of Freedom’s continued story?